Breaking A Dog’s Ball -besatthet: Dag 21

Med tanke på att jag har gjort mycket av mitt arbete med Ace utanför, fattade jag ett beslut att försöka arbeta med honom inomhus. Vi gjorde i allmänhet några av samma övningar som vi har provat tidigare, jag vill bara att han ska veta att han förväntas följa samma policy oavsett var vi är.

Nästa steg är att arbeta med honom mycket mer intensivt i Pet Dog Park. Jag har inte gjort mycket av det här ännu. Det är pinsamt nog att blogga om att arbeta med min husdjur för att bota hans bollbesatthet. Nu måste jag jobba med honom medan människor tycker om oss. ha! Men det kommer att vara ett avgörande steg om jag vill att min husdjur ska lära sig att umgås vanligtvis med andra hundar.

När jag arbetar inomhus är en bra utmaning för Ace för honom att ligga medan jag placerar en boll direkt framför honom. Om han fixar på det, knäpper jag fingrarna och säger “Hej!” Sedan tittar han på mig istället och jag säger att han är bra. Han mår mycket bra med detta och accepterar till och med mat från min hand medan det finns en boll som är idealisk framför honom. Till och med för två veckor sedan var ingenting mycket mer avgörande än en boll. Han skulle inte äta eller dricka med en boll i sikte.

En annan sak som jag har observerat med ACE är att han blir fixerad på min hand på Agility Practice. I smidighet är det bra att använda din hand för att vägleda din husdjurshund. Men under de senaste månaderna har Ace börjat bli besatt av min hand medan vi är på kursen. Han munner det, skäller på mig och blir ganska galen (på samma sätt som han brukade agera om jag höll en boll). Han lämnar till och med små blåmärken på mina händer. Jag har inte gjort någonting för att rätta till detta ännu för att jag inte är helt säker på vad jag ska göra. Men jag trodde att jag skulle nämna det eftersom det verkar vara en annan av hans obsessiva beteenden. Har någon annan haft det här problemet?

Möjlighet för din hund att prova ett glukosamintillskott gratis

som Mutt samarbetar med ett företag som gör ett flytande glukosamintillskott för hundar som kallas Rejenease (AFF -länk).

Produkten är nu tillgänglig på Amazon och är gjord med ingredienser för mänsklig klass.

Glukosamin är ett tillskott som kan stödja friska leder i alla hundar men särskilt för äldre hundar som visar tecken på artrit. En av de extra fördelarna med ett vätsketillskott är att du enkelt kan lägga till den i din hunds mat eller vatten.

Min 8-åriga labbmix ess har haft ömma leder på sistone, som jag skrev om igår, så jag är upphetsad för honom att prova produkten också.

Om du tror att din hund skulle kunna dra nytta av glukosamin har du möjlighet att beställa en flaska Rejenease gratis i utbyte mot att skriva en ärlig Amazon -granskning av produkten.

Så här fungerar det:

1. Lämna en kommentar för att låta mig veta att du är intresserad av att beställa glukosamin till din hund. (Måste ha en amerikansk postadress för att vinna.)

2. Jag väljer 10 vinnare slumpmässigt den 14 november.

3. Vinnarna får en kupongkod för att beställa en flaska gratis.

4. Vinnarna kommer att gå med på att publicera en ärlig recension av produkten på Amazon senast den 31 december.

Jag kommer att publicera min egen Rejenease -recension här på bloggen i december, och jag kan också använda en del av din feedback i min recension.

Skulle din hund vilja prova Rejenease utan kostnad?

Låt mig veta i kommentarerna!

*Grattis till Star, Chris, Alison, Rebekah, Beth och Elizabeth. Ni kommer alla att få en kupongkod för en gratis flaska. Se till ett e -postmeddelande från mig.

Glöm inte att registrera dig för min e -postlista för att få inlägg om hundträning, hundbeteende och mer.

Leaving Your canine home Alone for the first Time

A pal of mine recently adopted his first dog. He asked me a few questions about what to expect. one of those questions was what ought to he do to make his canine comfortable when the canine is home alone for the first time?

I thought this was a good question because this is typically a stressful time for the new canine and the new owner. I thought some of you might have some good advice.

It’s not just new canine owners that face this dilemma. I know each time I have a new foster dog, I worry about leaving that canine alone for the first time. and then of course, there are new puppies. When can a puppy be left home alone?

Hoppa framåt till:

Here are my suggestions for leaving a canine home alone for the first time

1. lots of exercise beforehand.

2. Take a day or two off from work when you adopt a new dog.

3. begin leaving the canine alone for short periods.

4. use a kennel or block off a small area of the house.

5. use puzzle-type toys such as Kongs.

6. hire a canine walker or pal when you leave your canine home alone for the first time.

7. consider daycare once a week.

8. use a Nest Cam or other cam when you leave your canine home alone.

9. keep other animals separated at first.

Is it ok to leave a canine home alone for 8 hours?

What about a doggie door when a canine is left home alone?

How long can a canine be left alone?

Leaving your puppy home alone for the first time

Other tips:

How about the rest of you?

Our favorite products when dogs are home alone

Here are my suggestions for leaving a canine home alone for the first time

1. lots of exercise beforehand.

Whenever any individual adopts a new dog, I recommend a long walk at least once a day, every day. assuming the canine and owner are healthy and capable, this walk ought to be at least 45 minutes and preferably much more than an hour.

Walking is a bonding ritual. It is something many dogs enjoy, and it helps them get comfortable with the new owner and a new routine.

It also helps the canine get rid of any pent-up physical, mental and emotional energy. The calmer you can get your new dog, the better.

2. Take a day or two off from work when you adopt a new dog.

Most people know ahead of time if they will be adopting a dog. If whatsoever possible, I recommend you adopt the canine when you can take at least two days off from work.

That will give you some time to help the canine adjust to your routine before you have to leave for eight hours. If you can take a week off, even better.

During your days off from work, you ought to start leaving your canine home alone for short periods so he starts to get used to being alone in the new environment.

3. begin leaving the canine alone for short periods.

It’s not a good idea to just leave the canine for eight hours best off the bat. start with just five minutes while you step outside to get the mail. then try 10 minutes later that day. then 20. and so on. work up to 45 minutes. then an hour.

Even if your puppy is only 8 weeks old, it’s essential to start training her to being left alone. start by leaving her alone even for 5 minutes the first day while you head into another room.

You ought to also try leaving the house for short periods, even if it’s just 20-30 mins to go check the mail and run a short errand.

*Enjoying this article? get reasonable canine training suggestions emailed once a week. Klicka här

4. use a kennel or block off a small area of the house.

I choose to leave many dogs in a kennel or crate. A kennel keeps the canine safe, and it also keeps my home safe. I do not feel sorry about leaving a canine in a kennel, not even if it’s for hours at a time.

I choose a fold-up wire crate because their easy to travel with or store when not in use.

If leaving your canine in a kennel is not an option for whatever reason, I would recommend you leave the canine in a small area of the house. maybe a bedroom with the door shut or a baby gate in the doorway. maybe a shower room or a kitchen area.

With time, you can always give the canine much more freedom as she shows she is trustworthy. many people rush this process. It’s better to give your canine freedom very slowly so you’re setting good practices and limiting mistakes.

This is how you kennel train a canine ?

5. use puzzle-type toys such as Kongs.

When you leaver your canine home for the first time, make sure she has plenty of tempting chew toys.

Most new canine owners have been told about how valuable Kong-type toys can be, but here are some suggestions to make the Kong much more interesting to the dog:Cut back on the dog’s meals (or feed the meals in the Kong) so the canine will be much more interested in it.
Use something really smelly and tempting to stuff the Kong such as cooked hamburger, canned canine food or peanut butter.
Freeze the Kong over night so the canine has to work harder to get the food out. If your canine destroys the conventional red Kongs, get a black Kong in the XL size.
Leave two or three Kongs to keep the canine entertained longer. Make one with food that’s really easy to get out and make the other two much more challenging but with much more tempting goodies (hot dogs, pieces of chicken, etc., with frozen peanut butter)

6. hire a canine walker or pal when you leave your canine home alone for the first time.

A reputable support system can be very valuable if you don’t have time to come back home at lunchtime to check in on your pup and give him a potty/walk break.

You could ask a pal to come by or hire a professional canine walker. schedule a meet and greet with either to introduce them to your canine so he’s met them before they come into your home while you’re gone.

Places to find a professional canine walker are platforms like Rover or, or a easy Internet search.

7. Consider daycare once a week.

Another alternative is a doggie daycare place. Make sure to check out and trip the place before you drop your canine off for the first time. This isn’t an economical option so you may not be able to afford it every day, but it can be valuable for your extra long days at work.

See That Mutt’s post Pros and Cons of canine Daycare for much more information on this topic.

8. use a Nest Cam or other cam when you leave your canine home alone.

When you leave your canine home alone for the first time, an indoor cam gives so much peace of mind! You’re able to check in on your pups when they’re home alone.

One option is a Nest Cam, but there are a variety of indoor cameras you can install or have installed.

Cameras don’t replace human-pet interaction, so this might work better as an additional layer of virtual support on top of a pal or professional canine walker.

9. keep other animals separated at first.

If your new canine isn’t your only pet in your home, it may be a good idea to keep them separated while you’re gone at first. That’s especially true if you haven’t had enough time to experience them interact with one-another.

You could keep them crated in their respective kennels, or you could physically separate them in different rooms with closed doors.

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Is it ok to leave a canine home alone for 8 hours?

It’s not a terrific idea to leave a canine alone for 8 hours. That’s a really long stretch of time without the opportunity for a potty break. It’s also too long to stay crated without getting to stretch those doggie legs.

Sure, some dogs tolerate it ok but it’s not an optimal situation, day after day. I would not recommend this for a puppy or young dog.

Dogs who stay alone for that long will find a way to entertain themselves, and it’s typically not an activity that humans are going to appreciate … you know, like:

Excessive barking
Chewing on furniture or shoes
Inappropriate urinating or pooping
Figuring out ways to escape from the crate
Chewing on the crate

If you have a senior dog, you might find that leaving him alone for 8 hours seems to be OK.

Some will literally sleep the whole time. but some senior dogs will have trouble holding it and may actually need much more potty breaks than a younger dog.

What about a doggie door when a canine is left home alone?

Dogs who have access to their fenced-in backyard through a doggie door are technically ok as far as potty breaks are concerned.

However, they’re also prone to being bored and are likely to start digging in the yard, underneath the fence, through flower beds, jump the fence … you get the idea.

Once you know your dog’s personality, energy and comfort level with being alone all day, that will help you decide if a doggy door is best for you. Be extra careful about this with newly adopted dogs as you don’t know if the canine might dig out of the yard or climb a fence.

If you decide to use a canine door, make sure to:

Exercise your canine before you leave and when you come back home
Leave mentally stimulating toys like canine food puzzles or safe doggie chews (no chew is 100% safe)

Another danger of unsupervised access to the backyard is that someone could steal the dog, so that’s something to be aware of.

There’s also the risk of unwanted interaction with wildlife such as poisonous snakes or spiders, or even harmful vegetation.

How long can a canine be left alone?

Assuming that the canine is healthy and housebroken, I’d say it’s ok to leave a canine alone for about 6 hours. 5 would be better.

If he’s been correctly exercised/walked before staying home alone, he can easily fill those 6 hours with activities such as:

Looking out the window
Listening to some unwinding doggie music
Entertaining himself with a canine toy/chew like a Kong

After those 6 hours, he’ll at least need a potty break and some TLC. better yet, a walk and/or some playtime with a favorite human!

One of our reader’s dogs, Lambeau!

Leaving your puppy home alone for the first time

Once your puppy is 5 months old, you can leave him home alone for about 5 hours as well. before that, take your puppy’s age in months and add 1. That’ll give you a general idea of how long he can around hold it.

Till exempel:

If the puppy is 2 months old, he’ll be able to hold it for about 3 hours.
If he’s 3 months old, he’ll be able to go 4 hours.

Of course, every puppy is different and I understand you may have no choice but to be gone for 5 hours when your puppy is still young.

It’s essential to understand that puppies need to opt for a potty break when they wake up from a nap, within about 20 to 30 minutes after meals and drinking, and best after playtime if they play hard for a while.

Puppies Missy & Buzz in their crate

That being said, it’s a good idea to either crate your puppy while you’re gone, or to keep him in a playpen. You could also gate off an area in your home like a shower room or laundry room and keep your puppy in there while you’re gone.

For example, a kitchen, laundry room or shower room is typically tiled or hardwood floors. That’ll make cleanup very easy if there are any accidents!

Other tips:

Stay calm yourself when you leave your canine home alone for the first time. If you are anxious, your canine will also feel anxious.
Don’t feel sorry for the dog. This canine is lucky to have a safe, warm place to stay.
Leave music or TV on for some background noise.
Stick to a routine. Leave the canine in the same place every time.
Don’t say “goodbye, Buddy!” Instead, disregard your canine and just leave.
Don’t expect perfection when you leave your canine home alone for the first time. There’s always an adjustment period that could take a few weeks.
Likewise, don’t assume your canine has separation anxiety if he cries or whines. He may just be testing you or he may just be a little anxious in the new place. disregard the whining and he’ll many likely adjust.

How about the rest of you?

What are some suggestions that worked for your dog?

*Enjoying this article? get reasonable canine training suggestions emailed once a week. Klicka här

Our favorite products when dogs are home alone

Kong toyStuff a Kong toy with peanut butter or yogurt and freeze overnight. ought to last your pup at least 30 minutes.
Midwest wire CrateMany dogs feel much more comfortable left alone at first if they are kennel trained and have their safe “place” to hang out.
Pet GatesAllows your canine much more freedom than a crate but keeps him from entering certain areas or keeps him in one room such as a bedroom or your kitchen.

Lindsay Stordahl is the founder of That Mutt. She writes about canine training, canine exercise and feeding a healthy raw diet.

Barbara Rivers contributed to this article. She writes frequently for That Mutt and is a blogger, raw feeder and canine walker. She maintains the blog K9s Over Coffee.

Daisy Springs framåt, Harley blir kvar

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Jag hoppas att ni alla ändras från tidsmodifieringen i helgen. Lyckligtvis är jag en väljusterad katt, så min inre klocka är tillbaka till det normala. Men Harleymaniac är en annan historia … titta, han är fortfarande i sängen!

Bara i situationen som du glömde, skulle du “springa framåt” och sätta dina klockor framåt en timme. Det betyder att vi tappade en timmes sömn i helgen! Det var ganska svårt att komma förbi på bara 17 timmars sömn istället för min vanliga 18, men jag har återhämtat mig.

Harley, på den andra tassen, förstår inte exakt hur man håller sig till ett rutinmässigt schema – faktiskt skulle jag säga att han är ganska oregelbunden. Han sover, spelar och springer runt alla willy-nilly som den galna han är.

Jag organiserade i förväg och undersökte till och med exakt hur man arbetar klockan. Se, du vrider bara dessa bitknappar runt tills du får en fantastisk tid. Var noga med att fråga din mamma eller pappa innan du leker med ratten – du skulle inte vilja göra ett fel och skickas till Time Out! (Det var lite skämt).

Hur som helst, det är lika fattiga Harley som överlever och missad frukost!

Ändras ni alla till tidsmodifieringen ännu?

Vad jag älskar med hundar

Det känns fortfarande som vintersäsong här, och det är OK. Jag älskar vinter. Parkerna och stigarna är tystare. Färre människor och hundar vågar ut.

Josh och Ace och jag åkte till en favoritpark i Minnesota på söndag. En lugn park, där vi kan bryta riktlinjerna och låta vår hund av koppel.

Det här är vad jag älskar med hundar. Deras villighet att våga sig ut. Deras villighet att söka äventyr på en kall aprildag.

Bukspottkörtelinsufficiens i familjens husdjur

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Bukspottkörtelinsufficiens är en kronisk sjukdom hos djur som säkert kan påverka långvarig hälsa. Denna sjukdom inträffar när immunsystemet förstör den del av bukspottkörteln som är involverad i matsmältningsenzymproduktionen. I andra fall misslyckas den delen av bukspottkörteln med att utvecklas tillräckligt. I båda fallen produceras inte matsmältningsenzymer i lämpligt antal som leder till symtom på kronisk ofta fet diarré, korpslptit och ofta allvarlig viktminskning. Även om bukspottkörtelinsufficiens kan uppstå i alla raser, finns det vissa raser, till exempel den tyska herden, där sjukdomen är mycket vanligare.

Alla husdjur som presenterar ovanstående symtom måste ha en fullständig medicinsk upparbetning, inklusive CBC/kemi blodarbete, urinanalys samt avföringskontroller för parasiter. Röntgenstrålar och ultraljud kan också anges. Denna upparbetning är avgörande för att politisera andra orsaker till kronisk diarré hos husdjur. Den definitiva diagnosen av bukspottkörtelinsufficiens görs genom ett TLI -blodprov gjort av din veterinär. Behandling av bukspottkörtelinsufficiens inkluderar en låg-bostad, lätt absorberad, låg fetthaltig diet, liksom tillskottet med matsmältningskanzymer från produkter såsom pancrezym. Jag tycker också att tillsats av probiotika är till hjälp vid långsiktig hantering av denna sjukdom. Prognos för kontroll av sjukdomen är utmärkt, så länge familjens husdjur upprätthålls på speciella dieter och kompletteras med de rätta matsmältningsenzymerna.

”Jag kan inte vara deprimerad. Min husdjurshund skulle inte möjliggöra det! ”

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Den här veckan på jobbet intervjuade jag en kvinna på 70 -talet som hade några allvarliga smärtproblem och fysiska begränsningar. Eftersom människor med kronisk smärta vanligtvis har problem med deras humör, frågade jag om hon hade problem med depression. Utan en paus svarade hon: “Jag har en Golden Retriever.” Efter min preliminära utseende av förvirring, tillade hon, ”Jag kan inte vara deprimerad. Min gyllene skulle inte möjliggöra det! ” Hon fortsatte sedan med att beskriva exakt hur massor av vardagliga aktiviteter är en kamp för henne, men när hon ser sitt ivriga, leende Golden Retriever som vinkar i svansen i väntan på snuggles, promenader eller speltid, vänder hon sitt fokus till sitt fantastiska husdjur Hund såväl som smidor framåt.

Att ha en husdjur i ditt liv kan vara en utmärkt motivator för att hålla sig till ett hälsosamt sätt att leva beteenden och arbeta hårt, även när livet är tufft. I kraften i vagnande svansar delar vi historien om en 80-årig kvinna som smeknamnet Rosebud, som fattade ett beslut att leva livet med kongestiv hjärtsvikt var bara inte värt det längre:

”Rosebud var beredd att dö. Hon slutade lämna sitt hus. Hon slutade städa huset. Hon slutade betala sina skatter. Hon väntade bara på döden för att komma för henne – det vill säga fram till en spanielblandning från pundet som heter Roy kom in i hennes liv.

”Roy var en underbar hund, liksom modifieringen som kom över Rosebud var nästan omedelbar. Hon kanske inte har velat stå upp på morgonen, få frukost och gå ut på en promenad – men hon var tvungen att, för Roy. De började ett vardagligt vandringsprogram tillsammans såväl som Rosebud dammade av hennes stickor så att hon kan göra tröjor för Roy för att hålla honom varm i det svalare vädret. Det var fantastiskt. Denna lilla husdjurshund förde indikerar Rosebuds liv – han gav henne en anledning att leva. ” – Utdragen från Marcus da. The Power of Wagging Tails, Demos Publishing 2011, sid 169-170.

Under Roys vård levde Rosebud för att vara över 100 år gammal. Det är en kraftfull vingande svans!

Medicinsk forskningsstudie bevisar att husdjursägare är lyckligare, friskare och online längre. Underskatta inte kraften i din hunds vingande svans. Vilka fallgropar har du undvikit i ditt liv – att få fast i ett bråk, hoppa över övning, inte släppa raseri – på grund av din hund? Är det inte utmärkt när våra hundar inte “tillåter oss” att göra dessa saker?!

Hälso- och hälsofördelar med husdjur

Changes in my dog’s behavior

My mutt Ace has become a a lot more social and confident dog.

I adopted Ace in March 2007 when he was exactly a year old. He was very friendly at this time, but also submissive and even shy. He didn’t know how to play with other dogs, although he delighted in being around them. He didn’t eagerly greet new people in public, although he would accept affection if someone approached him.

Today he happily licks other dogs in the face and would love to go home with any random stranger!

I’ve discovered some additional changes in my dog’s behavior this year. He is now 4.5 years old, well into his adult life. I don’t see any of these behaviors as good or bad, they are just signs of Ace becoming a a lot more well-adjusted dog.

All of these behaviors have become visible in the last six months:

Signs of a a lot more confident dog

1. My pet dog marks.

Ace was originally a squatter. I did not see my pet dog lift his leg once to pee on anything for at least three years. He is naturally a submissive pet dog with no need to mark his territory.

He also spent the first year of his life with a family that tied him out in their front yard where there was nothing but lawn to pee on. They did not walk him, so he had no opportunities to pee on trees or fences. He was not around other dogs, so he never learned the behavior. He never got into any “pissing contests.”

At age 4, my pet dog has finally become a man. It was actually a little shocking to see him lift his leg for the first time and pee on a tree! now he feels the need to mark everything from the little patches of lawn other dogs have peed on, to sticks, pieces of trash and even mushrooms. OK, he’s a little out of control with his marking at times.

It’s evident Ace learned the behavior from the other dogs we’ve hung out with through my pet-sitting and pet dog walking business. and maybe because we have a lot more dogs come to stay with us, he feels the need to mark “his” territory.

2. My pet dog humps other dogs.

When Ace meets new dogs, instead of automatically taking on the submissive role, he now goes through the normal pet dog ritual of figuring out a hierarchy. Yes, this indicates he tries to hump other dogs from time to time. nine times out of ten, the other pet dog puts Ace in his place ideal away. Every now and then, Ace is the a lot more dominant dog.

3. My pet dog growls at other dogs.

Ace used to back off if another pet dog wanted something. now he claims his space, food or toys if another pet dog challenges him. He will growl, raise his lips and raise his tail. This does not indicate my pet dog is possessive or aggressive. He is saying, “Hey, this is mine! Back off!” If the other pet dog is a lot more dominant, Ace does back away.

Our dominant cat Beamer will try to claim the space around Ace’s food because it worked for about three years. now Ace puts his head low, growls and holds his own until Beamer backs off. This is the only time Beamer is submissive to Ace. Throughout any normal day, Beamer will take Ace’s bed and tennis ball and will even trap Ace on the stairs, but Beamer is no longer able to steal Ace’s food.

4. My pet dog plays with other dogs at the pet dog park.

It used to be completely “normal” for my pet dog to neglect all other dogs at the pet dog park. He would run around and obsessively search for tennis balls without even acknowledging other dogs, even if they were chasing him, humping him or trying to wrestle.

I’m delighted to report that during a recent pet dog park visit, Ace happily greeted the 10 or so other dogs at the park while not even checking out the tennis balls. He sniffed each dog, figured out a hierarchy with each dog, played, chased and wrestled with each dog. It was so great to go to the pet dog park and see my pet dog actually socializing. We can play fetch in our own backyard any day.

Of course, after about 20 minutes, Ace picked up a tennis ball and brought it to some poor lady. I debated rescuing the woman, but she was one of those people who are fascinated by a pet dog who retrieves. “Wow! how did you train him to do this?!”

Oh, kid …

Why has my dog’s behavior changed?

I have used pet sitting and pet dog walking/running as my full-time job for a lot more than two years now. Ace socializes with a lot of other dogs every day. He has learned how to play and interact with dogs. He’s learned how to be a dog, and he’s thriving.

The behaviors I’ve noted are signs of dominance. A few years ago, I may have considered “dominance” to be bad. Det är inte. There are a lot more dominant dogs and there are dogs that tend to be followers. It’s the same way with people. Ace is absolutely still on the submissive side. It’s just that he asserts himself better than he used to.

Some of the changes in Ace’s behavior could also be because of how jag behandlar och interagerar med honom. Jag gör färre strukturerade promenader och kör med honom än jag gjorde för tre år sedan. Han fortsätter mycket mer “pack promenader” med andra hundar där jag är mindre fokuserad på ess. Jag är mycket mer benägna att bjuda in honom på soffan eller min säng i dag. Jag ger honom mycket mer tillgivenhet än någonsin, och vi tillbringar mycket mer tid tillsammans nu. Han är väldigt, väldigt bortskämd?

Sammantaget är jag nöjd med min husdjur och var vi har kommit. Han är väl socialiserad. Jag är beroende av honom runt alla andra hundar. Han lyssnar bra, och han vill göra mig lycklig. Han är dock fortfarande en del lab och kommer att undra med varje individ som håller mat eller en tennisboll. Jag gör inte brott. Ace är bara som han var indicerad att vara – en fånig mutt som älskar alla.

Bra pojke, ess.

Hur har din husdjur blivit mycket mer självförtroende nyligen?

PETMEDS® Hjälp svullna leder med Glyco-Flex för hundar

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Det finns inget mycket mer nedslående för husdjursägare än att se att deras äldre familjens husdjur har svårt att röra sig på grund av styva artritiska leder eller ryggmärg. Till och med yngre familjens husdjur som utvecklar artrit som är sekundära till ligamenttårar som korsbandstårar eller exponering för fästingburna sjukdomar som Lyme-sjukdom, kan utveckla tecken på obekväm rörelse och halthet.

Det är när fantastiska gemensamma produkter som glyco-flex av vetrisience kan dramatiskt lindra symtom i många husdjur. Huvudingrediensen i denna produkt, Perna, har studerats i mänsklig medicin i flera år och kan drastiskt hjälpa familjens husdjur med smärtsamma eller svullna leder.

PERNA är naturligt hög i glukosamin och kondroitinsulfat och kombineras också med MSM i massor av glyco-flexlinjerna för ytterligare lindra led obehag. Beroende på svårighetsgraden av gemensamma problem inkluderar produktalternativ Glyco-Flex I, II eller III. Biverkningar är sällsynta men kan inkludera diarré och/eller kräkningar.

Innan du ger någon glukosaminprodukt till ett diabetesdjur måste husdjurets veterinär först konsulteras. Om glyco-flex ensam inte hjälper till att minimera symtom, kan man prova andra naturliga tillskott som proantozon, Yucca-intensiv eller receptbelagda mediciner såsom tramadol eller andra icke-steroida antiinflammatoriska mediciner såsom metakam eller rimadyl.

När du ger denna produkt till sina familjer husdjur kan en klient fråga varför produkten har en stark fisklukt. Det beror på att Perna faktiskt är den gröna läppade havsmusslan, men det är verkligen en välsmakande mussla för många hundar, och en som kan erbjuda dramatisk symptomatisk lättnad hos många husdjur.

Artritisjoint hälsa

My finest suggestion For starting A canine walking company – The Waiting listing

I started a expert canine walking business in 2008, as well as I’ve written an ebook on exactly how I did it.

Because of that, I have a big complying with of people who want to ended up being canine walkers.

If you want to begin a canine walking company part time or full time, starting a waiting listing is the very first thing you ought to do.

You may think, “What? Why would I begin a waiting list? I don’t even have one client yet.”

Why you requirement a waiting listing when you’re starting a canine walking business

Because the waiting listing does three things.

1. It assists you gather a listing of prospective clients for when you’re prepared to leave your present task as well as begin walking dogs.

2. It enables you to reach back out to people down the road.

3. It puts you in demand.

Plus, when you’re an recognized canine walker you’ll requirement to state NO to a great deal of people. There are much more dogs in requirement of great canine walkers than there are great canine walkers to walk them.

Note, I didn’t state canine walkers, I stated great canine walkers.

Vilken är du?

Once you’re an recognized canine walker, you’ll requirement a method to weed with prospective clients. A waiting listing assists you do this. count on me, there are great clients as well as there are poor clients as well as you’ll discover to acknowledge which is which.

But for now, when you’re just getting started as a canine walker, let’s focus on exactly how the waiting listing can assist you TODAY.

The waiting listing assists you gather prospective clients, as well as it puts YOU in demand.

How a waiting listing can assist you gather clients

I don’t understand about you, however when I started walking dogs I had a full-time task with full benefits.

I helped a newspaper called the Fargo Foolum as well as was not comfortable just up as well as quitting my task without gathering a few clients first. However, it’s difficult to gather canine walking clients when you’re working full time.

So, what I suggest you do is publish the hours you want to walk dogs on your web site, even if you currently work one more task during those hours. likewise include the hours you’re currently able to walk dogs, if you’re able.

So, perhaps that implies you put your hours as 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. every day, even if you currently work five of those days.

Then, accept the clients you can realistically in shape into that routine best now, if any.

Put the rest on a waiting listing as well as reach out in a couple of weeks when you’re able to fit them.

Sure, you may not be able to accept any type of clients best now, however when you have four or five major people on your list, you may want to believe about leaving your task or cutting back on hours or whatever you can do.

See my publish on exactly how to get canine walking clients.

Till exempel:

Someone named Karen phone calls or emails about needing you to walk her canine at midday Mondays as well as Wednesdays.

You would just state or email something like:

“Hey Karen. tack för ditt meddelande. I’d like to assist you out, however I’m currently not able to fit new clients as well as have a waiting list. If you’re interested, I will reach out in a couple of weeks when I have an opening. Are you versatile on the time of day for Cookie’s walk?”

This opens up the possibility for flexibility.

Maybe Karen doesn’t truly requirement you at noon, however 10 a.m. or 3 p.m. would work just fine. perhaps she’s even versatile on which days you walk her dog. Some people can be flexible, others can’t (understandably).

You would data Karen’s info, as well as then reach out in a week or two to touch base. Either tell her you have an opening or let her understands she’s still on the waiting list.

Sure, a few of the people on your listing will relocation on as well as discover one more canine walker. Det är okej. They would’ve done so anyway.

The waiting listing enables you to keep track of prospective clients as well as provides you a expert method to keep in touch with them.

A few much more tips

1. Don’t mention on your web site that you have a waiting listing since that may stop some people from contacting you. Wait for them to phone call or email as well as then tell them about the waiting listing as well as put them on it.

2. likewise note that you don’t requirement to discuss why you have a waiting list.

“I’m not able to fit new clients best now as well as have a waiting list” is the truth.

It might be since you are THAT busy! as well as you will be, soon.

People won’t ask these details, so there’s no requirement to elaborate.

If you’re in a little town as well as concerned peopLe kommer att förstå att du arbetar på banken på heltid eller vad det än kan vara, då kan du diskutera lite mer. Annars finns det verkligen inget behov.

Så det är mitt tips. Få din väntelista start idag. Som på allvar, idag.

Låt mig förstå om du har använt den här tekniken eller om du har någon typ av frågor.

Intresserad av att starta ett hundvandringsföretag? Köp min e -bok och upptäck från någon som har varit där! Beställ nu

Jag stoppar min uppgift 2008 för att börja en framgångsrik hundvandring såväl som hundkörningsföretag. Att starta ett nytt företag är skrämmande, men det borde inte behöva vara svårt. Detta är din möjlighet att upptäcka från mina framgångar och förhindra typiska misstag. Kostnaden är bara $ 17.